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Main invited keynotes

General Chair

PC Chair


  • "The Responsibility Challenge for Data" SIGMOD'19 panel. Together with Tina Eliassi-Rad, Lise Getoor, Krishna Gummadi, and Julia Stoyanovich. Panel organizer: H. V. Jagadish.
  • "Top-10 Data Mining Case Studies" ICDM'10 panel. Together with Ashok Srivasta, Bart Goethals, Rayid Ghani, Christos Faloutsos, Longbing Cao, Osmar Zaiane, Rong Duan, Paul Beinat, and Geoff McLachlan. Panel organizers: Gabor Melli and Xindong Wu.
  • "Social Networks and Data Mining: Where’s the Beef?" ICDM'08 panel. Together with Tanya Berger-Wolf, Bettina Berendt, Elena Ferrari, Jiawei Han, and Dino Pedreschi. Panel organizer: Jean-François Boulicaut.


Other organization roles

Program Committees (not a complete list)

  • * = PC chair
  • ^ = vice-chair, area chair, senior reviewer, meta-reviewer

Summer schools

Graduated Ph.D. Students

  • (2024) Carlo Abrate, "The Right to Explanation: Counterfactual Language in Algorithmic Recourse" May 2024, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
  • (2024) Gabriele D'Acunto, "Learning Multiscale e Non-stationary Causal Structures: Methods and Applications" May 2024, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
  • (2023) Tommaso Lanciano, "Dense Subgraph Mining: Novel Concepts and Real-world Applications" May 2023, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
  • (2020 - Co-supervisor together with Carlos Castillo) Francesco Fabbri, "Algorithmic Bias in Graph-Based Recommender Systems", October 2023, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2020 - Co-supervisor together with Giancarlo Ruffo) Edoardo Galimberti, "Substructures in multilayer, temporal, and signed networks: methods and applications", March 2020, University of Turin, Italy.
  • (2018 - Co-supervisor together with Ricardo Baeza-Yates) Ioanna Tsalouchidou, "Temporal Analysis of Large Dynamic Graphs", October 2018, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2016 - Co-supervisor together with Ricardo Baeza-Yates) Cigdem Aslay, "From Viral Marketing to Social Advertising: Ad Allocation under Social Influence", December 2016, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2016 - Co-supervisor together with Ricardo Baeza-Yates) Yasir Mehmood, "Modeling the Roles of Individuals and Groups in the Dynamics of Information Propagation", April 2016, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2009 - Co-supervisor together with Fosca Giannotti) Michele Berlingerio, "Graph and Network Data: Mining the Temporal Dimension", December 2009, IMT, Lucca, Italy.

Ph.D. Committees

  • (2022) George Panagopoulos, "Learning Influence Representations: Methods and Applications", February 2022, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France.
  • (2021) Eliana Pastor, "Pattern-based algorithms for Explainable AI", October 2021, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
  • (2021) Lorenzo Dell'Amico, "Spectral Methods for Graph Clustering", October 2021, University of Grenoble, France.
  • (2020) Jose Mena Roldan, "Modelling Uncertainty in Black-box Classification Systems", December 2020, University of Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2019) Leonardo Gutiérrez Gómez, "Machine Learning On Complex Networks: Dynamical Fingerprints, Embeddings and Feature Engineering", October 2019, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
  • (2018) Muhammad Aamir Saleem, "Location analytics for location-based social networks", May 2018, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • (2017) Yllka Velaj, "Information spreading with network augmentation", November 2017, Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Italy.
  • (2017) Mauro Coletto, "Analysis of Polarized Communities in Online Social Networks", March 2017, IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy.
  • (2016) Corrado Monti, "Modeling and Mining Complex Networks with Feature-Rich Nodes", December 2016, University of Milan, Italy.
  • (2015) Eduardo Graell, "Biased Behavior in Web Activities", May 2015, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2013) Diego Sáez Trumper, "Finding Relevant People in Online Social Networks", December 2013, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.
  • (2013) Ida Mele, "Web Usage Mining and its Applications to Web Search and Recommendation", December 2013, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
  • (2013) Nhat Hai Phan, "Mining Object Movement Patterns from Trajectory Data", October 2013, LIRMM, Montpellier, France.
  • (2012) Thi Kim Ngan Nguyen, "Generalizing Association Rules in N-ary Relations: Application to Dynamic Graph Analysis", October 2012, INSA, Lyon, France.
  • (2011) David Laniado, "Social production of knowledge by online communities", November 2011, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
  • (2010) Loic Cerf, "Constrained-based mining of closed patterns in noisy n-ary relations", July 2010, INSA, Lyon, France.
  • (2010) Fabricio Benevenuto, "An Empirical Analysis of Interactions in Online Social Networks", March 2010, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  • (2009) Barbara Poblete, "Query-Based Data Mining for the Web", October 2009, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain.